Source code for shimmy.openspiel_compatibility

# pyright: reportGeneralTypeIssues=false
"""Wrapper to convert an OpenSpiel environment into a pettingzoo compatible environment."""
from __future__ import annotations

import string
from typing import Any, Dict, Optional

import numpy as np
import pettingzoo as pz
import pyspiel
from gymnasium import spaces
from gymnasium.utils import EzPickle, seeding
from pettingzoo.utils.env import AgentID

[docs] class OpenSpielCompatibilityV0(pz.AECEnv, EzPickle): """This compatibility wrapper converts an OpenSpiel environment into a PettingZoo environment. OpenSpiel is a collection of environments and algorithms for research in general reinforcement learning and search/planning in games. OpenSpiel supports n-player (single- and multi- agent) zero-sum, cooperative and general-sum, one-shot and sequential, strictly turn-taking and simultaneous-move, perfect and imperfect information games, as well as traditional multiagent environments such as (partially- and fully- observable) grid worlds and social dilemmas. """ metadata = { "render_modes": ["human"], "name": "OpenSpielCompatibilityV0", "is_parallelizable": False, } def __init__( self, env: pyspiel.Game | None = None, game_name: str | None = None, render_mode: str | None = None, config: dict | None = None, ): """Wrapper to convert a OpenSpiel environment into a PettingZoo environment. Args: env (Optional[pyspiel.Game]): existing OpenSpiel environment to wrap game_name (Optional[str]): name of OpenSpiel game to load render_mode (Optional[str]): rendering mode config (Optional[dict]): PySpiel config """ EzPickle.__init__(self, env, game_name, render_mode) super().__init__() self.config = config # Only one of game_name and env can be provided, the other should be None if env is None and game_name is None: raise ValueError( "No environment provided. Use `env` to specify an existing environment, or load an environment with `game_name`." ) elif env is not None and game_name is not None: raise ValueError( "Two environments provided. Use `env` to specify an existing environment, or load an environment with `game_name`." ) elif game_name is not None: if self.config is not None: self._env = pyspiel.load_game(game_name, self.config) else: self._env = pyspiel.load_game(game_name) elif env is not None: self._env = env self.possible_agents = [ "player_" + str(r) for r in range(self._env.num_players()) ] self.agent_id_name_mapping = dict( zip(range(self._env.num_players()), self.possible_agents) ) self.agent_name_id_mapping = dict( zip(self.possible_agents, range(self._env.num_players())) ) self.agent_ids = [self.agent_name_id_mapping[a] for a in self.possible_agents] self.game_type = self._env.get_type() self.game_name = self.game_type.short_name self.observation_spaces = {} self.action_spaces = {} self._update_observation_spaces() self._update_action_spaces() self.render_mode = render_mode def _update_observation_spaces(self): for agent in self.possible_agents: if self.game_type.provides_observation_tensor: self.observation_spaces[agent] = spaces.Box( low=-np.inf, high=np.inf, shape=self._env.observation_tensor_shape(), dtype=np.float64, ) elif self.game_type.provides_information_state_tensor: self.observation_spaces[agent] = spaces.Box( low=-np.inf, high=np.inf, shape=self._env.information_state_tensor_shape(), dtype=np.float64, ) elif ( self.game_type.provides_information_state_string or self.game_type.provides_observation_string ): self.observation_spaces[agent] = spaces.Text( min_length=0, max_length=2**16, charset=string.printable ) else: raise NotImplementedError( f"No information/observation tensor/string implemented for {self._env}." ) def _update_action_spaces(self): for agent in self.possible_agents: try: self.action_spaces[agent] = spaces.Discrete( self._env.num_distinct_actions() ) except pyspiel.SpielError as e: raise NotImplementedError( f"{str(e)[:-1]} for action space for {self._env}." )
[docs] def observation_space(self, agent: AgentID): """observation_space. We get the observation space from the underlying game. OpenSpiel possibly provides information and observation in several forms. This wrapper chooses which one to use depending on the following precedence: 1. Observation Tensor 2. Information Tensor 3. Observation String 4. Information String Args: agent (AgentID): agent Returns: space (gymnasium.spaces.Space): observation space for the specified agent """ return self.observation_spaces[agent]
[docs] def action_space(self, agent: AgentID): """action_space. Get the action space from the underlying OpenSpiel game. Args: agent (AgentID): agent Returns: space (gymnasium.spaces.Space): action space for the specified agent """ return self.action_spaces[agent]
[docs] def render(self): """render. Print the current game state. """ if not hasattr(self, "game_state"): raise UserWarning( "You must reset the environment using reset() before calling render()." ) print(self.game_state)
[docs] def observe(self, agent: AgentID) -> Any: """observe. Args: agent (AgentID): agent Returns: observation (Any) """ return self.observations[agent]
[docs] def close(self): """close.""" pass
[docs] def reset( self, seed: int | None = None, options: dict | None = None, ): """reset. Args: seed (Optional[int]): seed options (Optional[Dict]): options """ # initialize np random the seed self.np_random, self.np_seed = seeding.np_random(seed) self.game_name = self.game_type.short_name # seed argument is only valid for three games if self.game_name in ["deep_sea", "hanabi", "mfg_garnet"] and seed is not None: if self.config is not None: reset_config = self.config.copy() reset_config["seed"] = seed else: reset_config = {"seed": seed} self._env = pyspiel.load_game(self.game_name, reset_config) else: if self.config is not None: self._env = pyspiel.load_game(self.game_name, self.config) else: self._env = pyspiel.load_game(self.game_name) # all agents self.agents = self.possible_agents[:] # boilerplate stuff self._cumulative_rewards = {a: 0.0 for a in self.agents} self.rewards = {a: 0.0 for a in self.agents} self.terminations = {a: False for a in self.agents} self.truncations = {a: False for a in self.agents} self.infos = {a: {} for a in self.agents} # get a new game state, game_length = number of game nodes self.game_length = 1 self.game_state = self._env.new_initial_state() # holders in case of simultaneous actions self.simultaneous_actions = dict() # make sure observation and action spaces are correct for this environment config self._update_observation_spaces() self._update_action_spaces() # step through chance nodes # then update obs and act masks # then choose next agent self._execute_chance_node() self._update_action_masks() self._update_observations() self._choose_next_agent()
def _execute_chance_node(self): """_execute_chance_node. Some game states in the environment are out of the control of the agent. In these states, we need to sample the next state. There is also the possibility of multiple consecutive chance states, hence the `while`. """ # if the game state is a chance node, choose a random outcome while self.game_state.is_chance_node(): self.game_length += 1 outcomes_with_probs = self.game_state.chance_outcomes() action_list, prob_list = zip(*outcomes_with_probs) action = self.np_random.choice(action_list, p=prob_list) self.game_state.apply_action(action) def _execute_action_node(self, action: int | np.integer[Any]): """_execute_action_node. Advances the game state. We need to deal with 2 possible cases: - simultaneous game state where all the agents must step together - non-simultaneous game state where only one agent steps at a time To handle the simultaneous game state, we must step the environment a sufficient number of times, such that all actions for all agents have been collected before we can step the environment. To handle the non-simultaneous game state, we can just step the environment one agent at a time. Args: action (int): action """ # if the game state is a simultaneous node, we need to collect all actions first if self.game_state.is_simultaneous_node(): # store the agent's action self.simultaneous_actions[self.agent_selection] = action if all(a in self.simultaneous_actions for a in self.agents): # if we already have all the actions, just step regularly self.game_state.apply_actions(list(self.simultaneous_actions.values())) self.game_length += 1 # clear the simultaneous actions holder self.simultaneous_actions = dict() else: # if not simultaneous, step the state generically try: self.game_state.apply_action(action) except pyspiel.SpielError: print() self.game_state.apply_action(action) self.game_length += 1 def _choose_next_agent(self): # handle possibility that we don't have anymore agents if not self.agents: return # handle terminal state if any(self.terminations.values()) or any(self.truncations.values()): # if terminal, choose the next valid agent if self.agents: self.agent_selection = self.agents[0] return # handle possibility for chance node if self.game_state.is_chance_node(): # do nothing if chance node, we should not have gotten here raise Exception( "We should never have reached a point where we need to pick an agent on a chance node." ) # handle possibility of simultaneous node if self.game_state.is_simultaneous_node(): # find agents for whom we don't have actions yet if simultaneous node for agent in self.agents: if agent not in self.simultaneous_actions: if np.sum(self.infos[agent]["action_mask"]) != 0: self.agent_selection = agent return else: # ignore agents where there are no valid actions # this will raise assertations with PZ api self.simultaneous_actions[agent] = None return # if we reached here, this is a normal node self.agent_selection = self.agent_id_name_mapping[ self.game_state.current_player() ] def _update_observations(self): """Updates all the observations inside the observations dictionary.""" if self.game_state.is_terminal(): return if self.game_type.provides_observation_tensor: self.observations = { self.agents[i]: np.array(self.game_state.observation_tensor(i)).reshape( self.observation_space(self.agents[i]).shape ) for i in self.agent_ids } elif self.game_type.provides_information_state_tensor: self.observations = { self.agents[i]: np.array( self.game_state.information_state_tensor(i) ).reshape(self.observation_space(self.agents[i]).shape) for i in self.agent_ids } elif self.game_type.provides_observation_string: self.observations = { self.agents[i]: self.game_state.observation_string(i) for i in self.agent_ids } elif self.game_type.provides_information_state_string: self.observations = { self.agents[i]: self.game_state.information_state_string(i) for i in self.agent_ids } else: raise NotImplementedError( f"No information/observation tensor/string implemented for {self._env}." ) def _update_action_masks(self): """Updates all the action masks inside the infos dictionary.""" for agent_id, agent_name in zip(self.agent_ids, self.agents): action_mask = np.zeros(self._env.num_distinct_actions(), dtype=np.int8) action_mask[self.game_state.legal_actions(agent_id)] = 1 self.infos[agent_name] = {"action_mask": action_mask} def _update_rewards(self): """Updates all the _cumulative_rewards of the environment.""" # retrieve rewards self.rewards = {a: r for a, r in zip(self.agents, self.game_state.rewards())} def _update_termination_truncation(self): """Updates all terminations and truncations of the environment.""" # check for terminal self.terminations = {a: self.terminations[a] for a in self.agents} if self.game_state.current_player() <= -4: self.terminations = {a: True for a in self.agents} # check for action masks because OpenSpiel doesn't do it themselves action_mask_sum = 0 for agent in self.agents: action_mask_sum += np.sum(self.infos[agent]["action_mask"]) # if all actions are illegal for all agents, declare terminal if action_mask_sum == 0: self.terminations = {a: True for a in self.agents} # check for truncation self.truncations = {a: self.truncations[a] for a in self.agents} if self.game_length > self._env.max_game_length(): self.truncations = {a: True for a in self.agents} def _end_routine(self): """Method that handles the routines that happen at environment termination. Since all agents end together we can hack our way around it. """ # if terminal, start deleting agents if ( self.terminations[self.agent_selection] or self.truncations[self.agent_selection] ): self.agents.remove(self.agent_selection) self._cumulative_rewards.pop(self.agent_selection) self.rewards.pop(self.agent_selection) self.terminations.pop(self.agent_selection) self.truncations.pop(self.agent_selection) self.infos.pop(self.agent_selection) return True return False
[docs] def step(self, action: int | np.integer[Any]): """Steps. Steps the agent with an action. Args: action (int): action """ # reset the cumulative rewards for the current agent self._cumulative_rewards[self.agent_selection] = 0.0 # handle the possibility of an end step if not self._end_routine(): # ensure observation and action spaces are up-to-date with the underlying environment self._update_observation_spaces() self._update_action_spaces() # step the environment self._execute_action_node(action) self._execute_chance_node() self._update_action_masks() self._update_observations() self._update_rewards() self._update_termination_truncation() # pick the next agent self._choose_next_agent() # accumulate the rewards self._accumulate_rewards()