Source code for shimmy.utils.dm_lab

"""Utility functions for the compatibility wrappers."""
from __future__ import annotations

from collections import OrderedDict
from typing import Any

import numpy as np
from gymnasium import spaces

[docs] def load_dm_lab( level_name: str = "lt_chasm", observations: str | None = "RGBD", renderer: str | None = "hardware", width: int | None = 320, height: int | None = 240, fps: int | None = 60, mixerSeed: int | None = 0, levelDirectory: str | None = "", appendCommand: str | None = "", botCount: int | None = None, ): """Helper function to load a DM Lab environment. Handles arguments which are None or unspecified (which will throw errors otherwise). Args: level_name (str): name of level to load observations: (Optional[str]): type of observations to use (default: "RGBD") renderer (Optional[str]): renderer to use (default: "hardware") width (Optional[int]): horizontal resolution of the observation frames (default: 240) height (Optional[int]): vertical resolution of the observation frames (default: 320) fps (Optional[int]): frames-per-second (default: 60) mixerSeed (Optional[int]): value combined with each of the seeds fed to the environment to define unique subsets of seeds (default: 0) levelDirectory (Optional[str]): optional path to level directory (relative paths are relative to game_scripts/levels) appendCommand (Optional[str]): Commands for the internal Quake console botCount (Optional[int]): number of bots to use Returns: env: DM Lab environment """ import deepmind_lab if observations is not None: obs = [observations] else: obs = ["RGBD"] renderer = renderer # botCount is a specific config option for certain level and may result in errors try: config = { "width": str(width), "height": str(height), "fps": str(fps), "levelDirectory": levelDirectory, "appendCommand": appendCommand, "mixerSeed": str(mixerSeed), "botCount": str(botCount), } return deepmind_lab.Lab(level_name, obs, config=config, renderer=renderer) except Exception: pass # try without botCount configuration option as it is not used for all environments try: config = { "width": str(width), "height": str(height), "fps": str(fps), "levelDirectory": levelDirectory, "appendCommand": appendCommand, } return deepmind_lab.Lab("lt_chasm", obs, config=config, renderer=renderer) except Exception as e: print("Could not load DM Lab environment with given configuration: ", e)
[docs] def dm_lab_obs2gym_obs_space(observation: dict) -> spaces.Space[Any]: """Gets the observation spec from a single observation.""" assert isinstance( observation, (OrderedDict, dict) ), f"Observation must be a dict, got {observation}" all_spaces = dict() for key, value in observation.items(): dtype = value.dtype low = None high = None if np.issubdtype(dtype, np.integer): low = np.iinfo(dtype).min high = np.iinfo(dtype).max elif np.issubdtype(dtype, np.inexact): low = float("-inf") high = float("inf") else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown dtype {dtype}.") all_spaces[key] = spaces.Box(low=low, high=high, shape=value.shape, dtype=dtype) return spaces.Dict(all_spaces)
[docs] def dm_lab_spec2gym_space(spec) -> spaces.Space[Any]: """Converts a dm_lab spec to a gymnasium space.""" if isinstance(spec, list): expanded = {} for desc in spec: assert ( "name" in desc ), f"Can't find name for the description: {desc} in spec." # some observation spaces have a string description, we ignore those for now if "dtype" in desc: if desc["dtype"] == str: continue expanded[desc["name"]] = dm_lab_spec2gym_space(desc) return spaces.Dict(expanded) if isinstance(spec, (OrderedDict, dict)): # this is an action space if "min" in spec and "max" in spec: return spaces.Box(low=spec["min"], high=spec["max"], dtype=np.float64) # we dk wtf it is here else: raise NotImplementedError( f"Unknown spec definition: {spec}, please report." ) else: raise NotImplementedError( f"Cannot convert dm_spec to gymnasium space, unknown spec: {spec}, please report." )