Source code for shimmy.utils.meltingpot

"""Utility functions for Melting Pot."""
# pyright: reportGeneralTypeIssues=false
# flake8: noqa F821
import dm_env
from gymnasium import spaces
from pettingzoo.utils.env import ObsDict

from shimmy.utils.dm_env import dm_spec2gym_space

PLAYER_STR_FORMAT = "player_{index}"

[docs] def load_meltingpot(substrate_name: str): """Helper function to load Melting Pot substrates. Args: substrate_name: str Returns: env: meltingpot.utils.substrates.substrate.Substrate """ import meltingpot from ml_collections import config_dict # Create env config substrate_name = substrate_name player_roles = meltingpot.substrate.get_config(substrate_name).default_player_roles env_config = { "substrate": substrate_name, "roles": player_roles, } # Build substrate from pickle env_config = config_dict.ConfigDict(env_config) env =["substrate"], roles=env_config["roles"]) return env
[docs] def timestep_to_observations(timestep: dm_env.TimeStep) -> ObsDict: """Extracts Gymnasium-compatible observations from a Melting Pot timestep. Args: timestep: The dm_env timestep Returns: observation, reward, terminated, truncated, info. """ gym_observations = {} for index, observation in enumerate(timestep.observation): gym_observations[PLAYER_STR_FORMAT.format(index=index)] = { key: value for key, value in observation.items() if _WORLD_PREFIX not in key } return gym_observations
[docs] def remove_world_observations_from_space(observation: spaces.Dict) -> spaces.Dict: """Removes the world observations key from a Gymnasium observation dict. This is used to limit the information an individual agent has access to (it cannot see the entire world). Args: observation: The Melting Pot observation Returns: observation: The Melting Pot observation, without world observations. """ return spaces.Dict( {key: observation[key] for key in observation if _WORLD_PREFIX not in key} )